User License Agreement


Read the following Terms of Use / Terms and Conditions carefully as it sets out the terms of a legally binding agreement between “the Customer” hereinafter referred to as “you”, “User”, “your company”, “your entity” and shall include, unless against the context,  all the assignees, representatives and successors) and Affidabile Solutions Private Limited having its registered office at 250, Plot No. 08, LSC-1 S/F mixed housing sector, Kondli Gharoli, Mayur Vihar-3, East Delhi-110096, India and lawful owner of  which is also registered Trademark of Affidabile Solutions. (“Affidabile Solutions” or “Company” “We”, “Our”, or “Us”) Affidabile Solutions has its own separate identity but we may sometimes use “Affidabile Solutions”, “Company”, “we” or “us” when we refer to Affidabile Solutions in general. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date being the date of execution of the instant agreement and/or use of our services and shall remain in effect for the Initial Term unless terminated earlier as provided.

1. Introduction and Terms :

The Terms and Conditions govern access and use of Affidabile Solutions services, including websites, apps, and related services.

1.1. Affidabile Solutions provides services on an “as is” basis without any warranty. It will not be liable for damages arising from the use of its services.

1.2. Users are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the services for a fee.

1.3. Users must register with accurate information and keep their accounts secure. Any breach of security must be reported immediately.

1.4. Users are responsible for the content they provide and should comply with applicable laws and regulations.

1.5. Prohibited conduct includes distributing, copying, or reverse-engineering the services, and engaging in illegal activities.

1.6. Affidabile Solutions may use location information features, and users consent to provide sensitive personal information.

1.7. Certain features may not function properly and are subject to availability.

1.8. Users may be provided with identification numbers and usernames, which are non-transferable and must be used responsibly.

1.9. Affidabile Solutions makes no warranties about the operation or performance of the services.

1.10. Your personal details will not be used in any other way other than for identification purposes.

2. User's Rights:

These rights ensure that users can confidently utilize the platform’s services for digital certificate issuance while maintaining control over their digital credentials and data.

2.1.  Data Privacy and Security: Users have the right to expect their personal and sensitive data to be handled securely and protected from unauthorized access.


2.2.  Portability: Users should have the ability to use their digital certificates on other platforms or services that recognize and accept such certificates.


2.3. No Unauthorized Usage: The platform should not use or share the user’s digital certificates for purposes other than those specified in the agreement without explicit consent.


2.4. User’s Obligations and User Account:

In consideration of the use of Affidabile Solutions Site/App/Platform, the User represents and confirms that the User is of legal age to enter into a binding contract and is not a person barred from using the Affidabile Solutions Site/App/Platform and/or receiving the Services under the laws of India or other applicable law.

To avail a Service the User has and must continue to maintain at his/her sole cost:

  • All the necessary equipment including a phone, computer, internet data package, adequate battery, and modem, etc. to access the Affidabile Solutions Site/App/Platform and available services except where it is provided by Affidabile Solutions
  • After registration, the User receives a User ID and Password. The User must keep them confidential and not share them with others without authorization. The User is responsible for any activities done using their ID and Password. Affidabile Solutions encrypts and stores passwords securely. If unauthorized use is suspected, the User must inform Affidabile Solutions immediately. The User agrees to provide accurate information during registration and keep it updated. If false information is provided, Affidabile Solutions may suspend or terminate the User’s account. Affidabile Solutions may share Registration Data with third parties as required for providing the Services.
  • Please note that we might adapt or modify your content to fit different media formats. By submitting your content, you confirm that you have all the necessary rights and authority to grant us these permissions.

3. Breach

Without prejudice to the other remedies available to Affidabile Solutions under this agreement, or under applicable law, Affidabile Solutions may limit the User’s activity, or end the User’s listing, warn other users of the User’s actions, immediately temporarily/indefinitely suspend or terminate the User’s registration, and/or refuse to provide the User with access to the Affidabile Solutions Site/App/Platform if:

  • The User is in breach of this Terms agreement or the documents it incorporates by reference;
  • Affidabile Solutions is unable to verify or authenticate any information provided by the User; or
  • Affidabile Solutions believes that the User’s actions may infringe on any third-party rights or breach any applicable law or otherwise result in any liability for the User, other Users of the Affidabile Solutions Site/App/Platform, and/or Affidabile Solutions may at any time in its sole discretion reinstate suspended Users.

4. Payment and Refunds

4.1. You may pay applicable fees on the Affidabile Solutions Site/App/Platform and for Services by using a Debit/Credit Card, Online Payment Method or through your Internet Banking.


4.2. You submit and agree that the Payment details provided by you to the Payment Gateway for payment transaction processing will be correct and you shall not use Payment Details, which is not lawfully owned by You.


4.3.  Validations Credit Points: Your account balance represents credits that can be used for document issuance wherein 1 credit equals to document. Credit is not redeemable for cash. If you choose to delete your Affidabile Solutions ID, you must spend your account balance prior to closing the account.


4.4.  Refunds and Chargebacks: If Affidabile Solutions receives a request from a User for a refund or cancellation of payment in relation to any transaction, Affidabile Solutions will process the request and determine whether such refund or cancellation must be processed. The request for refund or cancellation of payment in relation to any transaction by the User shall be done immediately within 2 (two) days to Affidabile Solutions in writing. If the said request must be processed, Affidabile Solutions will notify the User of the same and Affidabile Solutions will transfer back the amount refunded or canceled. Affidabile Solutions shall be entitled to apply a handling fee for any cancellation and refund and provide any refund in the form of a credit note. Payment of such refunds will be subject to the express condition that settlement of all invoices for which sums fall in line with the base of the turnover used as a basis to ensure the satisfaction of the condition to benefit from the refund has been made upon due dates as determined, without limitation.


4.5.  Fees: We may charge fees for listings and services, as listed in the order form. All payments of fees and charges are due net thirty (30) days from the date of invoice, subject to Customer’s maintaining satisfactory credit arrangements with Affidabile Solutions. Affidabile Solutions reserves the right to modify Customer’s credit terms at any time. Amounts not paid after 45 days (15 days overdue) are subject to a late payment charge of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month, or if less, the highest rate permitted by law. If a purchase fails to charge all of the payment methods that you have on file, a negative balance can be applied to you. You won’t be able to make any new purchases and use any other services until you’ve updated your payment methods. 


4.6. Promotional Programs: We may run promotions associated with credit. Bonuses may be offered during promotional periods.


4.7. Secure Transactions: Affidabile Solutions has implemented and will maintain security systems for the transmission of Users’ Transactions. User further acknowledges and agrees that User, and not Affidabile Solutions, is responsible for the security of Transaction data or information or any other information stored on Users servers, and that Affidabile Solutions is not responsible for any other party’s servers (other than subcontractors of Affidabile Solutions solely to the extent Affidabile Solutions is liable for its own actions hereunder).

5. Ownership and Proprietary Rights:

Affidabile Solutions Services and Platform are owned by Affidabile Solutions and/or third-party licensors. They include various elements like design, graphics, code, and more, protected by intellectual property laws. Trademarks and platform elements belong to Affidabile Solutions or licensors. You can’t alter copyrights or use materials without permission. Selling or modifying Materials requires Affidabile Solutions’ approval. Providing feedback grants rights to Affidabile Solutions.

6. Modification of Agreement:

Affidabile Solutions can change the Agreement by posting on the platform. Changes apply to future use. Continued use implies acceptance.

7. Confidential Information:

Confidential Information, marked as such, includes trade secrets, software, designs, and more. It’s owned by Affidabile Solutions, and you’re obligated to keep it confidential.

8. Non-disclosure obligations:

You agree to protect and use Confidential Information responsibly, following guidelines like limited use, non-disclosure, and access restriction. Providing requested agreements and complying with security measures are expected.

9. Notice of unauthorized use or disclosure:

Promptly report any unauthorized use or breach, assisting Affidabile Solutions in recovery. Breach could lead to legal action.

10. Return of confidential information:

Return materials provided by Affidabile Solutions upon request or agreement end. Destroyed materials need certification. Copying Confidential Information requires prior approval.

11. No license or other rights:

The Agreement doesn’t grant property rights or licenses to Confidential Information. Authorized use is limited to outlined Services. Creating products from this information is prohibited.

12. Availability:

Affidabile Solutions Platform is operated from India. Use outside India is subject to local laws. No guarantee for cross-region access. References to unavailable products or services don’t imply future availability. Contact a local Affidabile Solutions representative for details.

13. General Terms and Conditions:

Affidabile Solutions can monitor platform use, report illegal activities, and cooperate with investigations. Unauthorized use of materials violates laws. You’re accountable for actions under your account. Access can be terminated for violations. Terms and site content can change. Personal data follows privacy policy. Affidabile Solutions retains rights.

14. Language:

All communication, documentation, and proceedings related to this Agreement must be in written English.

15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India and this Agreement shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of New Delhi, India.

16. Assignment

You may not assign your rights and obligations under this Agreement to anyone.

17. Privacy Policy

We at Affidabile Solutions respect the privacy of everyone who visits this Affidabile Solutions Site/App/Platform and is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of the personal information of all visitors to this Affidabile Solutions Site/App/Platform.

18. Events Outside Our Control

We at Affidabile Solutions will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in the performance of, any of our obligations under the Agreements that is caused by any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including any failure of public or private telecommunications networks.

19. Contacting Us

We aim to keep our information about you as accurate as possible. If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions or the Affidabile Solutions Site/App/Platform, please contact us at or call us at +91-8588988213.   Website: